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What is the difference between a single stage furnace and a two stage furnace?

A single stage furnace comes on at 100% capacity when there is a call for heat, therefore, you may notice swings in temperature in the home because of it. Two stage furnaces have been on the market for over fifteen years now and are built more for comfort. The two stage gas valve allows the furnace to come on at a lower capacity - when there is a call for heat - thereby allowing the furnace to run a little longer so as to maintain more of an even temperature in the home. The furnace only kicks in to the second stage - or full capacity - on the really cold days. Two stage furnaces operate a great majority of the time on first stage - which as an added benefit -allows them to be quieter.

What is the difference between freon and puron?

R-22 (commonly referred to as freon) is an HCFC which means it uses a mineral oil and contains fluorocarbons or ozone depleting elements. Because of this, R-22 is being phased out. By 2010, HVAC manufacturers will no longer be allowed to produce an R-22 based air conditioner. Supply of R-22 will be reduced by 65%, but the refrigerant itself will be around to service existing units at least until 2030. R-410A (commonly referred to as puron) is an HFC which is a refrigerant blend that uses a synthetic oil and contains no fluorocarbons or ozone depleting elements. Practicing proper refrigeration techniques on the installation of R-410A based systems becomes more critical.

Why should I consider installing a variable speed furnace?

Variable speed is GE technology that has been out there for twenty years. It is a very efficient, very quiet and very durable blower motor. The beauty of the variable speed is that it operates at a wider range of RPM than a standard blower, therefore, it helps to eliminate any hot and cold spots in the home. Additional benefits of the variable speed blower:
The variable speed blower actually increases the efficiency of any air cleaner installed by allowing the air cleaner to collect more particulates when the blower is operating at lower speeds.
The variable speed blower is very inexpensive to operate, therefore, saving you money over the standard blower.
A Trane air conditioner - when installed with a Trane variable speed furnace - actually becomes more efficient because of that variable speed blower.

When is it time to replace your hot water tank?

Hot water tanks generally fail when corrosion attacks the exposed steel in the tanks. No tanks are perfectly glass lined. There are imperfections in the lining of the tank and when these imperfections begin to corrode and weaken is when your tank will fail. Of course this usually happens at the most inappropriate time - a holiday or when you're away on vacation. Tanks life expectancy is in the neighborhood of ten to twelve years. In May, 2015 the price of hot water tanks increased significantly because of Department of Energy mandates that included – among other things – additional tank insulation & incorporating electronic ignition. To accommodate the manufacturing of compliant products, Bradford White went through its largest plant expansion in company history. Hetter Heating & Cooling recommends & installs Bradford White (in select locations).

What is SEER and what does it mean to me?

SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio and it measures (like gas mileage on a car) the electrical cost that individual units will incur from normal operation. Ten year old A/Cs have to at least be a 10 SEER or higher. The higher the SEER, the more efficient the unit. Effective January, 2006, the US Department of Energy mandated the minimum SEER for air conditioners in this region be 13. Effective, January, 2015, the US Department of Energy mandated the national minimum SEER for heat pumps be 14.

What is the best air cleaner on the market?

The best air cleaning system on the market today is no longer a HEPA. Trane’s brand new CleanEffects air cleaner is actually better than a HEPA (commonly used in hospitals everywhere). CleanEffects is 99.98% efficient down to .3 microns and delivers 100 times the amount of clean air that a standard 1-inch filter does, not to mention eight times the amount of clean air of a HEPA system. The beauty of the Trane Clean Effects air cleaner is there are no filters to replace. You simply vacuum the unit out. Also, the CleanEffects unit comes with an indicator light that will notify you when it needs to be cleaned. You can get more information by going to www.trane.com or call our office at 614-784-9200.

How long does a typical installation take?

A full system – furnace & air conditioner – usually takes one business day, depending upon any duct work issues or accessory items to be installed. A furnace or AC only most often takes six hours or less to install.

What are Hetter’s accepted modes of payment?

Hetter Heating & Cooling accepts a personal check, most credit cards (except American Express) and/or we offer special financing with approved credit through Wells Fargo.

Why Trane?

Trane is the most recognizable name in the HVAC industry. Their standard of quality has been unmatched for decades. Trane has consistently placed in the top three among all HVAC manufacturers in the last six Consumer Reports surveys (2005, 2008, 2009, two in 2012, & 2014). Trane’s compressors consistently rank as the most durable compressors in the industry. Trane innovation – two stage furnaces – now are an industry standard. Trane’s coils have by far the least amount of brazed in joints in the industry which equates to longer life. All other manufacturers have approached Trane about purchasing their coils. We can go on…but you get the point. We love Trane!