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The farmers say its gonna be a HOT summer - 04/01/2016

According to the Farmers Almanac, we should all brace for a hotter than normal summer coming up with the hottest periods forecast to be in late June & August. April & May, say the farmers, will be cooler and drier than normal. In HVAC, that means the perfect time is now to replace an AC you know needs replaced. Hetter (and most dealers) offer discounts now while the weather is mild and business is slow. As the weather heats up, the discounts evaporate. We all know how much we love our AC. According to a recent survey of residential energy consumption, air conditioners are now standard equipment in U. S. homes, occupying 87% of households. The U. S. is the worlds leader in air conditioning as we consume more energy for air conditioning than any other country. With that in mind, when you do go to replace your AC, consider one with the Energy Star label because of its efficiency. Energy Star has a 78% penetration is the U. S. consumer market. These same higher efficient AC models can qualify you for a cash rebate from AEP. Call our sales department for all the information.