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Federal tax credits have been reinstated through 2020 - 01/15/2020

Federal tax credits for qualifying residential HVAC replacement equipment have been reinstated through 2020. The president recently signed HR1865 and HR1158 reinstating the residential energy efficiency tax credit which is also retroactive for 2018 and 2019. For qualified HVAC improvements, homeowners may be eligible to claim up to $500 in tax credits through Dec 31, 2020. /// 2020 opens with Trane rolling out a new, price friendlier brand - RunTru. According to the world's premier HVAC manufacturer, RunTru fills the gap between Trane premium equipment and less reliable value products. Hetter has pricing available if you are in the market. /// As of Jan 1, 2020, virgin R-22 refrigerant can no longer be produced or imported in the U.S. Estimates range from 40 to 60% of air conditioners nationwide run on the old environmentally unfriendly R-22. The refrigerant itself is still available to service these existing cooling systems until they need to be replaced. /// If your furnace is aging and you haven't had a maintenance check performed on it recently, the first quarter is a good time to get that done. Our service techs are more available this time of year and if you call by February 29 and mention this article, receive a $10 discount. Maintenance checks can help prolong the life of your furnace and give you valuable information as to its current state. /// To earn a FREE one year Maintenance Agreement - winter check on your furnace and spring check on your AC - refer a friend, neighbor, co-worker or family member to us and if they install a new furnace or AC with Hetter we will give you a free one year Maintenance Agreement ($219 value). We call it Referral Rewards.